A new study from the ‘Wiseguy Reports’ suggests that the global aluminium scrap recycling market will expand at over 7% compound annual growth rate through until 2021,

The report entitled ‘Global aluminum scrap recycling market 2017-2021’, the report is based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from worldwide industry experts.

It covers the market landscape, current challenges – such as a decrease in the used beverage can recycling rate – and growth prospects over the coming years. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and solid state recycling are described in detail in a chapter on ‘market trends’.

Other technological topics include alloys designed with a focus on recycling and advanced furnaces used for aluminium recycling.

The outlook for the market is encouraging and reflects a positive future, reconfirming the decision by the Recycal group to continue to invest in the most modern systems available for scrap metal recycling. Recycal have committed to over $15 million in capital equipment to cater for the growing demand for their recycling services.

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