The Federal Government has set up a new recycling fund to support the local industry. Importantly, the fund of $20 million will be made available to ensure the industry is future ready with [...]
Making demolition waste into aggregates for a major residential housing project has become a reality in Saudi Arabia. Work on a new recycling facility is about to start at the end of the year. [...]
A new rare earth metals recycling facility has been established at the University of Birmingham. Established at a cost of EUR $4 million, the new pilot plant will focus on recycling magnets. [...]
South Korea is planning to build a new battery recycling plant at Younggwang, South Jeolla Province. Earthtech has invested US$20 million in the new recycling hub. The plant will recover [...]
Samsung believe there are already 1 billion more mobile phones in the world than people. Furthermore, the number of mobile phones in use currently exceeds 8 billion. Whilst Samsung first quarter [...]
The world’s largest incineration plant has opened in Shanghai with the expansion of the Laogang Renewable Resource Recycling Centre. The plant was commissioned in early July and is capable of [...]
A Victorian ban on e-waste being dumped in skips or bins destined for landfill comes into force from July 1st. The ban follows a similar decision of the South Australian government in 2013. [...]
Australian Battery recycling will be a major growth industry during the next decade. Unfortunately, issues are emerging with inadequate investment and poor safety procedures in some operations. [...]
Rare earth metals are in high demand with the growth of consumer electronic industries. ‘Future market Insights’ research believes the global market for rare earth metals of US $3 billion will [...]
Global car production will increase by over 13% in 2019. Globally Statista market analysts estimate that 80 million cars will be produced this year. This compares with 70.5 million in 2018. The [...]